5 Gum Fortune Teller Experience


This was a collaboration with Dreamboat and Condé Nast for Mars Inc. at VidCon. 5 Gum, the most popular sugar-free gum in the United States among teens, wanted to bring some fun to VidCon, the world's largest celebration of online video creators.

The Fortune Teller Experience invites participants to sit and have a conversation with the Fortune Teller, a larger-than-life motivational speaker/mystic who uses his crystal ball as a stage for hilarious banter and the not-so-occasional zinger. This surreal and engaging interaction sets the stage for surprise and endless laughs.

How it works

A comedian plays the fortune teller from a secret booth next door. From the booth, the comedian can see and hear the participants and interact with them. But, the real magic is that there is an iPhone tracking every nuance of the comedian’s face and mapping their expressions to a custom Animoji. The Animoji of the Fortune Teller is projected into the crystal ball so that the participant feels like this zany Fortune Teller is there with them, uncannily working the room.


hardware prototyping of the crystal ball, projector specification, designed table to house all embedded technology and be fabricated, designed active thermal management system so the Fortune Teller could make people laugh all day without the projector overheating